'He is indeed the best of animals,' replied Rat, 'So simple, so good-natured, and so affectionate. Perhaps he's not very clever - we can't all be geniuses, and it may be that he is both boastful and conceited. But he has got some great qualities, has Toady.'

Sunday, July 8, 2012

And The Ugliest Frog Award Goes To...

Yes, this is really a frog.

The Purple Frog ( Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis) is an Indian frog that was discovered in 2003. It spends most of the year underground and only comes out for about 2 weeks during the monsoon for breeding. It has a very thin, snout-like mouth and it's call sounds like a chicken's cluck. It is a living fossil, and allthough it lives in India, It is in the Sooglossidae family, which has it's origins in the Seychelles islands. The reason for this is that 100 million years ago, Madagascar, India,and the Seychelles were a landmass that split because of continental drift.

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