'He is indeed the best of animals,' replied Rat, 'So simple, so good-natured, and so affectionate. Perhaps he's not very clever - we can't all be geniuses, and it may be that he is both boastful and conceited. But he has got some great qualities, has Toady.'

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Frog Fiction!!!!

I could see the rain starting to fall. "Plop!Plop!Plop!" It was raining very hard, and I heard thunder. Still, I just sat there, as if I didn't have a care in the world, because something amazing was about to happen....

Hello, My name is Kaeru and I am a frog. Before I tell you the rest of the story, I want to tell you a little bit about myself. I am three years old, so that means about half of my life is over. I am a male green frog and I live in a swamp. It is very warm during the summers here, and that's when my story takes place...

As the storm thundered on and on I thought, "When is it going to happen?! When am I going to see them?! When am I going to leave?!?"  Just then It happened, I looked down in the pond to see little tadpoles swimming up to the surface. "Hooray!!" All of that hard work protecting my babies finally paid off. At last they had hatched! I swelled up with joy at the thought that I now had almost 3,000 children. "In 16 weeks, they will be old enough to leave the water, If only I could see that happen...."

To be continued...

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