'He is indeed the best of animals,' replied Rat, 'So simple, so good-natured, and so affectionate. Perhaps he's not very clever - we can't all be geniuses, and it may be that he is both boastful and conceited. But he has got some great qualities, has Toady.'

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Save The Frogs Day!

Just a reminder, Save The Frogs Day is in April.

Save The Frogs Day is a day to raise frog awareness. It is from http://savethefrogs.com . This year it is April 29.
If you want to do an event with your school or something, you can register it at: save the frogs day page

** Sorry, but I will not be making a post Friday-Sunday because I will be at a latin convention! YAY! XD

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